Check out these BOOKS! These have been staples in my practice and are helpful resources for anyone seeking help.
The Language of Emotions is a fantastic book that many people find very helpful. Often times we feel things and if we don’t express them they can find a way to express themselves. If you’ve ever wondered why you felt a certain way and didn’t know why or what to do, this book should be your first start. A great way to learn about what your emotions mean and how to process them in a healthy way.
Coping with Life Challenges is actually a textbook graduate students in psychology read however its a fantastic resource if you’ve had some recent changes in your life, like breakups, having a child, or a major illness. If your life is much different than it was a few years or even a few months ago, this book can be very helpful
A Secret Sadness: The Hidden Relationship Patterns That Make Women Depressed reveals how it is all-to-common for women to feel devalued in their relationships with their parents and significant others. Patterns of how people treated you as a child can carry over into adulthood and have a huge impact on your relationships with others later in life as well as how you see yourself. Learn the patterns and steps to find your own value and roles in life.
The Grief Recovery handbook reveals how the majority of our society does not know how or even want to deal with the negative (“bad”) feelings which are the natural response to loss. Feeling loss from a breakup, or the death of a loved one is compounded by how society makes you feel and the isolation that people can experience. Even if you’re suffering from old losses you can learn the tools to heal your pain and reconnect with the world.
The Way of Transition guides you through life’s major changes. Whether its the loss of a job, a death in the family or more positive changes like a new child, if you’re attempting to deal with big transitions in your life you’re are likely to find this book comforting and helpful. Plus you’ll learn how life transitions can actual deepen your relationship with yourself and your personal story.
Your Family Your Self shows you how each person in your family, including yourself plays specific almost predetermined roles. Understanding the factors that lead to both obvious, and hidden motivations and behaviors in your family can help to improve your relationship with your loved ones as well as discover how those relationships impact how you behave in the outside world.
1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting shows how setting effective discipline for young children requires a plan – and requires some self-discipline on the part of the parents. This book spells out at a strategy for handling unwanted behavior. Plus just having an approach/plan of action can be calming for parents as well. If you’re at the end of your wits, this is the place to start.
Cognitive Therapy With Couples is really a resource for mental health professionals but for people who really like to “look under the hood” this book is filled with examples of how to repair relationships. Often times people approach marriage counseling with a set of beliefs that hamper the process, understand what you can get out of counseling and ways to work on your own relationships can be invaluable.
Love Is Never Enough: How Couples Can Overcome Misunderstandings, Resolve Conflicts, and Solve Relationship Problems Through Cognitive Therapy addresses the communication breakdowns that often occur in relationships. This book gives you to the tools to build a solid foundation of trust, loyalty, respect and security and then strengthen the partnership by developing a sense of cooperation, consideration and compromise